Tiwi is 8 years old, who YPK Bali met for the first time in July 2019. Tiwi is a twin, her sibling has cerebral palsy who, like Tiwi, came to YPK to access our services and support. During her first year in YPK, Tiwi was introverted and was greatly dependent on her parents for support. Tiwi found it difficult to eat, and hold a pencil. Initially, Tiwi found it challenging to read and she was afraid to meet new people.
Tiwi’s mother was a true inspiration and helped her daughter to learn to build trust with those around her and have positive interactions with others. She always quietly sat beside her daughter and aided her to adapt to a new routine at YPK.

One-and-a-half years on, Tiwi has made amazing progress with her self-confidence. She now sits in the classroom without her mother accompanying her. Tiwi has become an even braver and more independent individual at YPK. Her developed literacy skills see Tiwi craft superb sentences. Tiwi will continue working on her reading skills and has focused on adding more words to her fantastic stories. At YPK, we see real-life improvements in early learning development each day. Tiwi’s incredible progress has led her parents to enrol her in a public kindergarten. Tiwi is ready to explore the world. Her determination and resilience encourage us at YPK and we all look forward to Tiwi’s bright future ahead. Our continuous goal is to support young individuals through our numerous programs to enhance their daily lives. We cannot do it without your help and continuous support. It is our dream for stories like Tiwi’s to become a reality for other children– which can truly make all the difference in the world.